Stone Significance

(sources:; for more information;
There are many different cultures and belief systems that maintain that various stones have special energies and/or properties associated with them.  Whether you believe it or not it is something that is fun to take a look at and compare to pieces you are interested in.  Below are a few of the traits for some of the stones that I have used in my pieces.  Take it for what its worth and enjoy! 

(I will update this page so check back for more information)


This stone is said to be a good healing stone in many ways including: helping eliminate negative tendencies towards oneself, aiding in the treatment of depression, fighting diabetes and other illnesses effecting the kidney, liver and heart.  Citrine is also known to be associated with creativity and encourages writers. 


Hematite is a stone that helps the mind, encouraging creative thinking and can also aid in memory.  This stone can be use in meditative practices as a way to help let go of the physical and connect with the internal spiritual self.


Moukaite (a.k.a. Mookaite) aids in acceptance of change and allows for more flexible thoughts.  The stone also helps to provide a balance between internal/personal environment and the outside environment.  This stone is sometimes considered an emotional protector.

Common traits associated with Moukaite: kindness, flexible, strength


Black Onyx promotes happiness and  is considered to be a valuable stone for grounding oneself in challenging times, enhancing focus and finding a center.  The stone encourages strength, both mentally and physically.  Conducive for those seeking to detach from people, places or objects and modify belief patterns to different direction.  Often Black Onyx is said to deflect negativity from others and environment and allow the wearer to hear and listen to their inner voice.

Common traits associated with Black Onyx:  strength, tenacity, courage, durability, self-control


Turquoise is said to be the stone that offers protection from the outside environment allowing for peace of mind.  This stone also has energy balancing properties an promotes understanding of self honesty.  Turquoise is also said to absorb negativity.